Der FonComfort Professional Client kann durch Setzen von Registry Keys angepasst werden.

Diese Methode eignet sich auch gut, Einstellungen per Gruppenrichtlinie zu verteilen.

Evaluation order within Registry

First, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Bressner\FonComfort is evaluated.

If there is no setting,
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Bressner\FonComfort is accessed.

Key Type of data Description
foncomfortserverinternal REG_SZ Server fqdn and Port for overriding autodiscovery of foncomfort server
foncomfortserverexternal REG_SZ Server fqdn and Port for overriding autodiscovery of foncomfort server
UseDefaultWebProxy REG_DWORD Default is 0: Do NOT use default proxy.
If set to 1, the Foncomfort Client will use the system default webproxy. If set to 1, the foncomfortWebProxy setting is ignored.
foncomfortWebProxy ​REG_SZ ​fqdn/IP-Address and port for overriding web proxy to use with FonComfort. Format:
If UseDafultWebProxy is set to 1, this setting is ignored.Default is empty: Do not use a special WebProxy
​bypassWebProxyonlocal ​REG_DWORD Default is empty: ​Not specifiedis empty: ​Not specified
0: All requests for local resources should go through the proxy
1: Access local resources directly.
foncomfortserveridentity ​REG_SZ ​UPN Name of the Identity to use
​GUILanguage ​REG_SZ ​Set different GUI langage than OS. Use Format en-US, fr-FR etc.
​IgnoreCertificateErrors REG_DWORD​ ​0: (Default) Check Server Certificates
1: Ignore Certificate errors
​WCFSendTimeout ​REG_DWORD ​Seconds to wait before timeout on sending WCF data.
Default: 60 seconds
​WCFReceiveTimeout ​REG_DWORD ​Seconds to wait before timeout on receiving WCF data.
Default:600 seconds
WCFMaxReceivedMessageSize ​REG_QWORD ​Default: 655350
Wert wird nicht mehr verwendet
REG_DWORD​ ​0: (Default) Give error message if no server found in DNS or registry
1: Silent Shutdown if no server found
​FCPingTimeOutSeconds ​REG_DWORD ​20: (Default) TimeOut and Checktimer for Ping to FCServer
​FCCallTimeoutMilliseconds ​REG_DWORD ​4000: Default wait for 4 seconds
FCCallHistoryTimeoutMilliseconds ​REG_DWORD ​Default: 10*FCCallTimeoutMilliseconds
​CHECKWSDL ​REG_DWORD 0: Do not check
1 (Default): Check WSDL for SOAP 1.1 support​
​FCUserSearchMaxNum ​REG_DWORD 50: Default​
Maximum of FonComfort users to display in FC User search
​UMEnabledSource ​REG_DWORD ​3: (Default) Use UCMA and LyncSDK info (or-combined)
2: Use UCMA info
1: Use LyncSDK info (previous default)


Key Type of data Description
​AutoAnswerOnPickup ​REG_DWORD ​0: No Auto Answer on Pickup Call
1: Auto Answer on Pickup Call (default)
​AutoAnswerOnPickupWaitTime ​REG_DWORD Milliseconds to wait before incoming call is accepted. Default: 300 ms​
MSCRMConnectionString REG_SZ Pointer to MSCRM base page. Format: “Url=http://<FQDN of CRM installation>/<Basepage>
MSCRMEnabled REG_DWORD 0, or Key not existent: no CRM integration
1: CRM popup enabled for incoming calls
MSCRMFormatString REG_SZ Parameter part of URL
Example: „{0}/main.aspx?etc=2&extraqs=formid%3d894cc46a-b0cb-4ab0-8bf6-200544e46a2d&id=%7b{1}%7d&pagetype=entityrecord“
After CRM system updates it could be necessary to update this key as well.
PublishBusyOnOutbound REG_DWORD 0: Do not publish to Server (Default)

1: the presence state “Busy” will be published to the FonComfort Server during outbound connecting phase (to enable busy on busy on incoming calls, not visible on Lync Presence state)

​REG_DWORD ​0, or Key not existent: no Application integration
1: Application popup enabled for incoming calls
​REG_SZ ​full path of executable
​REG_SZ ​string to delete in ANITEL
​REG_SZ String.Format – Formatstring to use with parameters


​PopupShowAnonymousCaller ​​REG_DWORD ​​0, or Key not existent: Do not show Popup for anonymous caller
1: Application popup enabled for anonymous callers
​ToastMode ​REG_DWORD 0: Do not show any Window.​
1: Not used any more. Will be converted to 2 automatically.
2: Call control windows for personal calls
3: Call control windows for personal and pickup group calls
To be used with FonComfort Professional release or later
Is not used any more with PC Professional 2.9.3 or later with enabled teamcall and pickup notification server feature. Replaced with FCEnableCallWindowsOnCalls, FCEnableCallWindowsOnPickup and related.
​ToastDirection ​REG_DWORD ​0: From top screen downwards (default)
1: From bottom screen upwards
To be used with FonComfort Professional release or later
​ToastPickupOnDND ​REG_DWORD ​0: Do not Pickup Toasts when I am on DND or in a call (Default)

1: Do Pickup Toasts whem I am on DND or in a call

​ToastWindowTimeout ​REG_DWORD ​0: Do not Timeout Pickup Toasts (will disappear when call is gone)

other value: Seconds to show the Pickup toast

​HotKeyAcceptKey ​REG_DWORD ​Key code of hot-key for accepting calls
​HotKeyAcceptMod ​REG_DWORD ​Shift/Ctrl/Win-Flags
​HotKeyCallerHistoryKey ​REG_DWORD ​Key code of hot-key for displaying caller history (additional license required)
​​HotKeyCallerHistoryMod ​REG_DWORD ​Shift/Ctrl/Win-Flags
​HotKeyDialOutKey ​REG_DWORD ​Key code of hot-key for making calls
​HotKeyDialOutMod ​REG_DWORD ​Shift/Ctrl/Win-Flags
​​REG_DWORD ​Key code of hot-key for configured popup function, enables CRM-Button in clients
​HotKeyPopupMod ​​REG_DWORD ​Shift/Ctrl/Win-Flags
​HotKeyTransferKey ​​​REG_DWORD ​Key code of hot-key for complete call transfer
​​HotKeyTransferMod ​​​REG_DWORD ​Shift/Ctrl/Win-Flags
​ForwardTo_lastvalue ​REG_SZ ​Last selected FonComfort forwarding contact
DEPRECIATED: Moved to Server
REG_DWORD​ ​0: Do not enable Caller History, even if licensed (Default)
1: Enable Caller History
​TransferDirection ​REG_DWORD ​0: Connect held to active conversation (default)
1: Connect active to held conversation
​EndCallOnToastClose ​REG_DWORD ​0: Do not end call on toast close
1: End calls on toast close (Default)​
FastDialoutWithCtrlC ​REG_DWORD ​0: Do not send Ctrl-C before accessing Clipboard for fast-Dial-Out-Number
1: Send Ctr-C before accessing Clipboard for Fast-Dial-Out-Number (Default)
​FastDialoutDelay REG_DWORD​ Milliseconds to wait before the Clipboard is accessed. Default: 500ms.​
​FCHelpShown /


REG_DWORD​ 0: Help was not shown before (Default)
otherwise: version info of last version of FC Lite. If actual version of FC Lite is higher, help file will be displayed.
​CloseSFBConversationWindow ​REG_DWORD 0: Do not close SFB Conversation​ Window
1: Close SFB Conversation info, if FonComfort shows Call Control window. (Default)
​CallControlWindowPosition ​REG_SZ ​json serialized WindowPlacement structure

Default: No value entry exists

​DisableStartupForwardNotification ​REG_DWORD ​0: Show Windows (Default)
1: Do not show window
​CallHistoryWidth ​REG_DWORD
​FCCallHistoryWindowPosition ​REG_SZ json serialized WindowPlacement structure
Default: No value entry exists
​FCToastAtRedirect ​REG_DWORD ​0, or Key not existing: no redirect Toast; 1 := allow redirect toast
​FCRefreshPickupGroupsSeconds ​REG_DWORD ​Key not existing: 15 Minutes
Value: Triggertime in seconds. recommended: Do not set less than 30 seconds.
​FCEnableCallWindowsOnCalls ​REG_DWORD ​1: Enable call window on calls
​FCEnableCallWindowOnPickup ​REG_DWORD ​1: Enable call window on Pickup Notifications
​FCDisablePickupOnIncomingCall ​REG_DWORD 1: ​​Do not show Pickup Notification when a call is coming in
​FCEnablePickupTeamCall ​REG_DWORD ​1: Enable Pickup Notification for Team-Calls
​FCEnablePickupRGS ​REG_DWORD ​1: Enable Pickup Notification for Response-Group Calls
​FCMaxListEntries ​REG_DWORD Maximum Number of e​ntries in Search Contact initial window list. Default: 20 entries
​FCContactSearchWindowPosition ​REG_SZ ​json serialized WindowPlacement structure

Default: No value entry exists

​FCCallControlWindowPosition ​REG_SZ ​json serialized WindowPlacement structure

Default: No value entry exists

​REG_DWORD 1: Enable call windows for incoming delegate calls (default)
0: Do not show incoming delegate calls call window​
​EnableConnectionNotification ​REG_DWORD ​1: Show system notifcation on lost or established connection (default)
0: Do not show
EnableSocketCommunication REG_DWORD 1 – ON 0 – OFF
​SocketCommunicationPort REG_DWORD ​Port /  Default: 777